Rakshita (Kannada) is a famous South Indian actress, who has acted in Kannada, Tamil and Telugu movies. Rakshitastarted her career with a Kannada movie APPU produced by Smt.Parvathamma Rajkumar with Puneeth Rajkumar as the co-star. Rakshita is the daughter of veteran Kannada heroine Mamtha Rao and Cinematographer B.C.Gourishankar.Rakshita was called by the Telugu film industry also for the remake of the same movie as the heroine. It was named as Idiot.
Rakshita Kannada film career as heroine got a twist when her movie Kalasipalya became a hit. Rakshita was considered as the BOMB heroine in Kannada industry. Rakshita retired from the industry as the heroine after her marriage with popular Kannada cinema director Prem of 'Kariya' fame.
Rakshita Kannada film career as heroine got a twist when her movie Kalasipalya became a hit. Rakshita was considered as the BOMB heroine in Kannada industry. Rakshita retired from the industry as the heroine after her marriage with popular Kannada cinema director Prem of 'Kariya' fame.
Pellam Oorelithe
Tananam Tananam
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